The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, stated that the messaging platform has gone above and beyond its legal responsibilities regarding content moderation and crime prevention.
In a statement released on March 17 regarding Telegram, Durov remarked:
“When it comes to moderation, collaboration, and combating crime, for years Telegram has not only fulfilled but surpassed its legal duties.”
His remarks come as French officials persist in their investigation into the platform’s involvement in addressing illegal activities.
With close to 1 billion users globally, Telegram is among the most popular messaging services available.
However, the app has been under increasing scrutiny for its approach to content moderation, which led to Durov’s arrest in August 2024.
At that time, French authorities accused the messaging service of being lax in tackling criminal activity on its platform.
Officials argued that the app was not doing enough to curb illegal acts such as child exploitation, drug trafficking, and online hate crimes.
The incident prompted Telegram to adopt stricter content moderation guidelines. The platform revised its FAQ section to emphasize a more active role in reporting unlawful content.
Additionally, the messaging service indicated that it is prioritizing the removal of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), terrorist propaganda, and fraudulent activities from its platform.
Return to Dubai
Durov made these statements following his return to Dubai, which serves as his main operational base.
Despite the ongoing legal case, Durov expressed happiness at being back home. He also extended his gratitude to Telegram’s worldwide user community for their support during his legal challenges, stating that the vast network remains strong in the face of difficulties.
Durov noted:
“I’m incredibly thankful to the millions of individuals worldwide who have offered their support throughout this unexpected journey—it has meant a great deal. There is nothing our community of a billion cannot overcome.”
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